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21 Nov 2022 von mhaslinger

Co-Creation Abschluss-Workshop von den Projekten SCIENCE4ALL und Connect

On Saturday, November 12, 2022, the final co-creation workshop of the two projects SCIENCE4ALL (led by Valentina Biasin [Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Pulmonary Vascular Research]) and Connect (led by Selma Mautner [Medical University of Graz], Marion Poetz [Copenhagen Business School & LBG OIS Center] and Grazyna Kwapiszewska [Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Pulmonary Vascular Research]) took place.

In the morning, fibrosis patients and their relatives reflected together with the scientists on what they had achieved in the past year. Afterwards, they formulated guidelines for the involvement of patients in basic research. They plan to publish these guidelines in an international, open access journal. In the afternoon, the participants developed three ideas for new fibrosis research projects based on the knowledge gained in these projects. The specific research questions deal with the different fibrosis diseases, a possible slowing down of the disease as well as its possible causes. The participants were supported in this process by Christiane Grill (LBG OIS Center), who accompanied the co-creation process as a moderator.

a. Image: (c) LBG OIS Center