01 Sep 2021 von LBG OIS Center

Second PPIE call: The LBG supports the involvement of patients and citizens in research

The LBG Open Innovation in Science Center starts the second PPIE call to support projects with patient and citizen participation. This call is also open to submissions by patient organisations or associations and NGOs. The online call plattform will be open for submissions from September 1st, 2021 until October 31.st, 2021. We invite interested applicants to take advantage of our consulting services and support tools.

Through our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement implementation programme (PPIE), we support Austrian research institutions, associations and patient organisations to actively involve patients and citizens in research projects. In the second PPIE pilot call 2021in addition to Austrian research organisations and universities, associations or patient organisations and NGOs are also eligible to apply.

The first call was closed on 31 October 2020 and there are currently 11 PPIE projects in the implementation phase (https://ppie.lbg.ac.at/projects/projects-2020). Until 31 October 2021, you can apply for support from 20.000 to up to 60,000 euros (including 20% overhead) to actively involve patients and citizens in your activities and projects. The pilot call is open to all topics, and contributions from all disciplines and fields are welcome.

Consultation and support for interested researchers, patients and citizens

In addition to the financial support, the LBG OIS Center offers various consultation and support measures as part of the PPIE implementation programme. For instance, we offer a pre-check online tool to check possible activities, individual advice on applications and implementation strategies as well as topic-specific training and a peer network. The support services can be used at any time to prepare researchers, patients and citizens for the call for proposals at an early stage.

The consultation provided to applicants on their project submission was well received in the field in the last pilot call 2020. Therefore, we advise the interested applicants to contact the PPIE team for consultation to further develop their project ideas and to fit them into the goals of the call. A webinar will be held on 09.09.2021, 10:00 (CET) to present the details of the 2021 pilot call and answer questions. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_w7b0t4jBQAO05UYd5Ydr9g

PPIE pilot call