Citizen Science 4 Health Conference 2023
29 October – 1 November 2023
University of Twente, the Netherlands
Join the first international Citizen Science for Health conference!
The engagement of patients in health research has a long tradition, even though their impact on e.g. decision making on research questions, methodology, ethics, analysis and data management remain limited so far. Citizen Science and the involvement of patients in health research have a huge potential contribute to innovative health research, as well as to society.
The Citizen Science for Health conference therefore aims to mark the beginning of a more concerted approach to the development of citizen science in health. The aim of the conference is to provide a state of the art in the field of CS4H and to bridge the long tradition of patient participation in health research with more recent and intensive forms of citizen science in health.
The conference will focus on different types of multidisciplinary scientific collaborations between citizens, patients, medical staff, health care providers, researchers, students, policy makers, funding agencies, companies, etc. This includes approaches such as citizen science, personal science, patient involvement, inclusive research and community-based health research.
The conference will be interactive. This means that, in addition to keynote presentations, there will be parallel sessions with formats including workshops, solution rooms, posters and showcases.
The conference is open to a broad global audience (including academics, students, policy makers, citizens, social organisations and companies), but also to a local audience interested in citizen science for health.
By whom?
The conference will be organised in close collaboration with the TechMed Centre of the University of Twente as part of the MedTech Twente Week 2023. The event is initiated by the Citizen Science for Health working group of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), of which the LBG OIS Center is a member.
Supported by: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme INCENTIVE, SPRONG Bridge2Health, University of Twente, RadboudUMC, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Hogeschool Saxion, TOPFIT Citizenlab, European Citizen Science Association, Mijn Data Onze Gezondheid, LBG OIS Center