Exploring Research Priorities of Parents Who Have Children with Down Syndrome, Cleft Lip with or Without Cleft Palate, Congenital Heart Defects, and Spina Bifida Using ConnectEpeople: A Social Media Coproduction Research Study

For which topic were research priorities identified?

children with down syndrome, cleft lip with or without cleft palate, congenital heart defects and spina bifida

In which location was the research priority setting conducted?

Africa - South Africa; Asia - India; Asia - Turkey; Asia - United Arab Emirates; Europe - Bulgaria; Europe - Croatia; Europe - Germany; Europe - Ireland; Europe - Lithuania; Europe - Netherlands; Europe - Poland; Europe - Portugal; Europe - Spain; Europe - United Kingdom; North America - USA; South America - Panama; South America - Peru

Why was it conducted at all?

What was the objective?

What was the outcome?

How long did the research prioritization take?

Which methods were used to identify research priorities?


How were the priorities for research identified exactly?

Which stakeholders took part?

How were stakeholders recruited?

Were stakeholders actively involved or did they just participate?