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09 Nov 2021 von LBG OIS Center

We support you

Our program aims to support the implementation of involvement activities in research and fosters the formation of a cooperative network between science and society Researchers and interested patients or citizens may contact the PPIE Team regarding following offers:

  • Pre-check online tool to assess your current involvement activities,
  • individual consultation on applications and implementation strategies during the project,
  • training opportunities such as webinars and co-creation workshops with stakeholders,
  • peer network as a learning opportunity, and
  • methodological expertise and support, for example facilitating a co-creation workshop.

We have created two information videos to give you a short impression about our support activities and the the second PPIE pilot call. 

For individual consultation or other inquiries please get in touch with the PPIE contact (below) to make an appointment.

To stay informed about upcoming events, sign up for our newsletter.

PPIE contact

Thomas Palfinger, MSc

Senior Program Manager Involvement

+43 660 215 5741 gubznf.cnysvatre@yot.np.ng